It should go without saying, (but we are going to say it anyway) that thoroughly washing your hands after handling compost is extremely important. It can be very easy to forget to do this, especially if you continue with some other form of gardening immediately after handling it.
Compost can be combustible, so you need to know how to store it correctly. It should be kept in a container that will allow for a good amount of airflow.
To reduce the risk of spreading the dangerous pathogens found in compost, try to have as little contact with it as you can. Always wear protective clothing, suitable footwear, and a good pair of gloves when handling compost and be sure to take off all these items before going into the house.
To break down compost you have to till it. If this is something you will be doing manually, its very important to wear the type of mask that will prevent you from inhaling any unhealthy spores, which result from rotting matter being thrown into the air. You may find it best to avoid tilling altogether on windy days as this will increase your risk of exposure.
Knowing how to handle compost the right way will help you to remain healthy and enjoy the benefits that are also associated with it.