We are not talking about a random accident such as when a vase or lamp is accidentally knocked over. We are talking about damage that can occur as a direct result of the inspection being performed. By way of example, imagine the home inspector must access the boiler or electrical paneling etc. and while inspecting it, something breaks or falls apart, is the breakage due to the inspector’s sloppiness or is the broken item defective and has it deteriorated due to the age of the place? Remember, a home inspectors’ job is to find any problems or issues that a property might have so that the homeowner can be alerted to this. By finding such problems they are just doing their job.
Another way to look at it is: would the item have fallen apart or broken regardless of who touched it? A home inspector has to access areas of a property that are hardly ever used by the home’s occupants, so the likelihood is that they will find these defects first. In fact, it is better for the home inspector to find problems or defects in a home rather than someone else in the household.